Delivery Time: 11:00 to 21:30
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Grilled chicken fillet pieces marinated in yogurt spice sauce for 24 hours.
For 2 people. A combination of the above starters (except Nos. 5 and 8).
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Cream cheese with mango and almonds in curry cream sauce.
Various lentils with garlic, ginger and tomatoes, slowly cooked over a clay oven overnight.
Cream cheese in a spicy sauce with fried cauliflower, ginger, garlic and bell pepper.
Eggplants in cream sauce, filled with potatoes, vegetables and nuts.
Rolls made of potatoes, vegetables and cream cheese with nuts and raisins cooked in a cream sauce.
Fresh mushrooms with peas, raisins and almonds in a cream sauce, garnished with grated cream cheese.
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Tondoori chicken fillet pieces with onions and Peppers in spicy tomato masala sauce
Chicken pieces in a mild sauce Seasoned, grated raw cheese, son, Almond and nits chicken pieces in a mild sauce of spices, grated cream cheese, cream, almonds and nuts
regional chicken specialty with baked Potatoes, prepared spicy regional chicken specialty with jockey potatoes, spicy prepared
grilled chicken for 12 hours in one Ginger-garlic paste pickled, with delicious Spices and almonds in a yogurt sauce grilled chicken marinated for 12 hours ginger-garlic paste, with delicious spices and and almonds in a yoghurt sauce
Juicy tandoori chicken pieces, briefly grilled & finely cooked, with delicious spices in a creamy tomato sauce
Chicken fillet with various vegetables, spicy with fresh ginger, garlic and bell pepper chicken fillet with various vegetables, spicy, with fresh ginger, garlic and paprika
Chicken fillet in spinach, seasoned with Ginger and garlic chicken fillet in spinach, seasoned with ginger and garlic
Chicken fillet in curry sauce different types of mixtures chicken fillet in curry sauce with various vegetables
Chicken fillet with mango and almonds: in curry cream sauce chicken fillet with mango and almonds in curry cream sauce
Chicken fillet with broccoli and almonds in curry cream sauce chicken fillet with broccoli and almonds in curry cream sauce
Chicken fillet in curry sauce Prepared Pakistani style chicken fille in curry sauce Pakistan prepared style
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Tender lamb, stewed with basmati rice, vegetables, regional spices, nuts and raisins.
tender, steamed chicken fillet, with fried basmati rice, garnished with nuts and raisins
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Lamb with broccoli and almonds in curry cream sauce. lamb with fresh broccoli in - curry cream sauce
Lamb meat in a spicy mixture of onions, Garlic and green peppers in a curry sauce lamb cooked in a spicy mixture of onions, garlic and green peppers in a curry sauce
regional lamb specialty baked potatoes, prepared spicy regional lamb specialty with baked potatoes, spicy prepared
Lommfleisch in milder Sauce aus Gewurzen Rohmkase, Sohne mit Mandeln und Nissen lomb in a mild sauce of spices, cream cheese, cream with almonds and nuts
Regional-style lamb meat preparation, with various spices and almonds in a yogurt sauce regional style lamb preparation, with various spices and almonds in a yoghurt sauce
Lamb in spinach, Pakistani style, with fresh ginger and garlic lamb in spinach Pakistani style, ‘with fresh ginger and garlic
lamb with various vegetables, in plenty of regional spices lamb with various vegetables, in many regional spices
Lamb in curry sauce, even more Pakistani Kind of prepared lomb in curry sauce, prepared Pokistani style
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Scompis, 12 hours in a ginger Garlic paste logged in, with delicious Spices and almonds in one Yoghurt sauce scampi, 12 hours in a ginger-garlic paste with delicious spices and almonds in a yoghurt sauce
King prawns with ginger, garlic and fine Pakistani spices, served with flatbread King prawns with ginger, gerlic and fine Pokistani spices, served with flotbread
Redfish fillet with onions and peppers in spicy tomato masala sauce red fillet with onions and peppers in spicy tomato masala sauce
Pakistani-style redfish fillet in curry sauce redfish fillet Pakistani style in curry sauce
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Duck sticks with peppers, onions, Ginger and garlic in soy chili sauce pieces of duck meat with peppers, onions, ginger and garlic in soy chilli sauce
Pakistani-style duck meat with Potatoes, onions and spicy curry duck meat Pakistan style with potatoes, onions and hot curry
Pieces of duck meat in a mild sauce made from spices, grated cheese, cream, Almonds, and nuts Pieces of duck in a mild sauce of spices, grated cheese, cream, almonds and nuts
Pieces of duck cooked in a red curry sauce pieces of duck cooked in a red curry sauce
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Duck breast fillet, grilled with ginger and paprika in regional spice mixture duck breast fillet, grilled with ginger and paprika in regional spice mixture
a delicious compilation of tandoori chicken, Chicken Tikka, Paneer Tikka and Lamb Tikka mixed , Tandoori plate: a delicious compilation of Tandoori Chicken, Chicken Tikka, Paneer Tikka and lamb tikka
Tender pieces of lamb grilled with ginger, peppers and onions, marinated in yoghurt with many spices. Tender pieces of lomb grilled with ginger, peppers and onions, marinated in yoghurt with many spices
Chicken fillet in yogurt sauce with special pickled with Indian spices chicken fillet in yoghurt sauce with special Indian spices
homemade fresh cream cheese, marinated in Yogurt and numerous spices, grilled with Onions and peppers, with flatbread homemade fresh cream cheese, marinated in yoghurt and many spices, grilled with onions and peppers, served with flatbread
Chicken leg marinated with special spices, Soaked in yogurt for 24 hours and baked in the oven chicken leg marinated with special spices, marinated in yoghurt for 24 hours and baked in the oven
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Lamb Sabzi, Sabzi Korma and Chicken Vindaloo in a regional typical spice mixture
Palak Paneer, Dal Makhani and Shahi Kofta in a special one Spice mixture
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1 mit Farbstoff, 2 koffeinhaltig, 3 chininhaltig, 4 mit Konservierungsstoff, 5 mit Antioxidationsmittel, 6 mit Süßungsmittel(n), 7 chininhaltig, 8 geschwärzt, 9 geschwefelt, 10 Weißkäse/Weichkäse in Salzlake, 11 Geschmacksverstärker, 12 hergestellt aus fein zerkleinertem Fleisch, 13 enthält eine Phenylalaninquelle, 14 mit Stickoxydul, 15 mit äureregulatoren, 16 mit Stabilisatoren, 17.1 mit Verdickungsmittel – Pektin, 17.2 mit Verdickungsmittel – Xanthan, * Formfleisch, aus Vorderschinkenteilen zusammengefügt, arbstoff, Konservierungsstoff, Antioxidationsmittel, Geschmacksverstärker, ° Salami, Plockwurst aus Schweinefleisch und Rindfleisch, Farbstoff, Konservierungsstoff, Antioxidationsmittel, Geschmacksverstärker
Alle Preise in Euro inklusive MwSt! Irrtümer und Druckfehler vorbehalten. Abbildungen ähnlich!
Allergenkennzeichnung nach ebensmittelinformationsverordnung!
A.1 Weizen, A.2 Roggen, A.3 Gerste, A.4 Hafer, A.5 Dinkel, A.6 Kamut, B Fisch, C Krebstiere, D Schwefeloxide und Sulfite, E Sellerie, F Milch und Laktose, G Sesamsamen, H.1 Mandel, H.2 Haselnüsse, H.3 Walnüsse, H.4 Cashewnüsse, H.5 Pekanüsse, H.6 Paranüsse, H.7 Pistazien, H.8 Macadamia Nuss, H.9 Queenslandnüsse, I Eier, J Lupinen, K Senf, L Soja, M Weichtiere, N Erdnüsse, O Bratensauce (A.1, E, F, I, J, K, L, 6, 15), X Hummerpaste (A.1, C, L, F, E, M, 1, 11)
Eine Nennung von Allergenen erfolgt, wenn die bezeichneten Stoffe oder daraus hergestellte Erzeugnisse als Zutat im Endprodukt enthalten sind. Trotz sorgfältiger Herstellung unserer Gerichte können neben den gekennzeichneten Zutaten Spuren anderer Stoffe enthalten sein, die im Produktionsprozess in der Küche verwendet werden.
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